Monday, June 22, 2009

The Mass Consciousness~Emotional Engery Part III

What is "Mass Consciousness"? In layman's terms, mass consciousness means the conscious thought energy of a large group of people. It could be a group of people in a room or on a broader scale, the conscious energy of the world.

In my previous two blogs I wrote about emotional energy on an individual level. In this post, I am going to go global. You see each of us is a part of a whole. We are all connected. Our personal energy effects not only ourselves but those around us, and those we come in contact with, even if only briefly.

Referring to the mini charts in my past two blog posts, 85% of the world's population ranges in the energy levels below the "critical" level of 200. These levels of energy are negative. They are Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger, Pride and Courage. I will note however, that the "overall average" human level today, is approximately 207. This is slightly above Courage, yet not as high as Neutrality which is equal to indifference. There is only 4% of the worlds popluation whose energy is 500 which is Love, and only 0.4% who reach 540, which is Joy. Only 1 in 10 million ever reach the energy levels of 600 and above, which is Peace and Enlightenment. When I sit back and think long and hard on the above information, I personally find that to be very sad.

If we examine the conditions of the world today, we can see that populations of whole subcontinents live a barely existing life. Sickness, hunger, "political oppression" and minimal if any social resources abound. Hopelessness, which is equal to Apathy is the energy state that most of these people live at. The remainder of the world, whether civilized or not lives mostly in Fear. "Any meaningful human satisfaction cannot even commence until the level of 250, where some degree of self-confidence begins to emerge as a basis for positive life experiences in the evolution of consciousness." David R. Hawkins, "Power vs. Force"

Let's look at this closer:

Energy levels "below 200" are more prominent in "extremely primitive conditions". Skills are used to gather food and fuel, (wood) and items used for shelter. Energy below 200 is depicted by unskilled labor and basic trade.

Semiskilled labor is seen in the energy levels at the mid-200s. Here we see people wearing basic, adequate clothing and elementary level education begins to take form.

In the high 200s we see skilled labor begin, "blue-collar workers, tradesmen, retail commerce and industries".

When we get to the 300 level, we see that people are starting to become more skilled and craftsmenship begins to take form. Secondary education is now common place. People begin to take on hobbies and interests such as, sports and fashion, "tv is the great pastime at this level".

Upper management, artists and teachers are found in the mid-300 field of energy. People here function as a "civilized society".

The "awakening of the intellect" is found in the 400 level of energy. This is the energy field of executives and scientists. The field of "true literacy". Education is now the "underpinning" of this level. People tend to gravitate to metropolitan areas to live, to have access to teachings and information necessary to produce at this level. Mans welfare is of concern here but not "the driving force" as of yet. Einstein, Freud, Newton and Descartes, calibrated at 499.

Love, it's energy is 500. Here is the point at which we see "awareness" take a "giant leap". "...the motivation of Love begins to color all activities, and creativity comes into full expression, accompanied by commitment, dedication, and expressions of charisma". Here people become dedicated to "principles". Art, "great music", architecture and the edification of others, comes forth at this level. With one's mere presence a person at this level can "uplift others".

In the mid-500s people at this level begin to have "spiritual experiences" which may be quite profound and even pursue spirituality. This consciousness level may be "described as vision and may focus on uplifting society as a whole".

600. This level is reached by a mere few. This individual's life can, at some point, "become legendary". Compassion is the imprint of a person who calibrates at this level.

What I have just shown you is how the mass consciousness, or people working as a whole, in each one of these levels of energy function. They have set beliefs, ways of living, and ways of speaking. They contribute to the description of each level by these thoughts, actions and words. It is very difficult for a group of people to jump from one level to the next unless all participate to bring the group up. Individuals, given free will, can make the move, but as a whole it is very difficult. You can see this in our society today. Take a look at your friends, your co-workers, may be even your family. People in general tend to "stick" with their own kind, all sharing the same beliefs and thoughts. "Birds of a feather flock together". When you change your energy, your surroundings tend to change all by themselves. This is because their is no vibrational match keeping the energies together.

If you have a desire to change who you are, then know that raising of your own energy doesn't only effect you. It helps to uplift and change the consciousness of those around you, thereby assisting to lift the consciousness of the world; even one person at a time.

For peace to occur in this beautiful world we have been given to live in, we must first change ourselves. Only then will others see the difference and the fear of changing will be diminshed. Others will change, and so on and so on. People copy what we do, not what we say.

May the peace, love and light of the world be with you always.


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