Monday, June 8, 2009

Emotional Energy and You! Part I What Are You Feeling?

"When awareness is brought to an emotion, power is brought to your life."
The Flow: 40 Days To Totoal Life Transformation

All emotions have a measurable, unique, frequency of energy. The only difference between grief, anger and love are the emotions vibrational tone.
In 12 step programs they teach about being aware of "people, places and things". You see we all have a physical body and an energy body as well. The shifts in our energy occur from outside stimulus. Because our energy body shifts and changes much more quickly than our physical body, we absorb the energy of others; so we must be cognizant of the people we surround ourselves with, the places we visit and the things we do.

Our physical body is a manifestation/mirror, if you will, of our energy body. Most people do not yet understand how our thoughts and beliefs, the food we ingest, the chemicals we use on our skin, (soaps, lotions, etc.), the people we surround ourselves with, even the music we listen to, affect our energy body and contribute to our overall vibrational tone or state of being. These outside stimuli will ultimately affect our physical health as well. We become that which we expose ourselves to. Like attracts like.

Let's take a look at the vibrational frequencies of emotions. These frequencies range from 20 to 1000. A thousand is the highest level of attainment. This information I've compiled from a must read book entitled, "Power vs. Force" written by David Hawkins. The energy level of 20 equates to the energy of SHAME. Since this is the lowest of the frequencies, this is where I shall begin. Please note that this is just a brief explanation of the energy frequencies of these emotions. The detailed explanations are found in David Hawkins book.

SHAME: It's energy is 20. "The Shame based personality is shy, withdrawn and introverted". Freud has concluded that Shame produces neurosis. We all can relate to the pain of "losing face" and discreditation at some time in our lives. You know, the feeling of wanting to be invisible. "Hide under a table" is one phrase I've heard many times over. Shame is destructive to our emotional and psychological health and well being. Shame has been known to "pull down the entire level of personality", thereby resulting in the vulnerability to other negative emotions.

GUILT: It's energy is 30. Guilt almost always results in a "preoccupation" with "sin". Guilt promotes rage, and in our society is commonly used to "manipulate" and "punish". It manifests itself in many different ways, such as remorse, masochism and self recrimination.

APATHY: It's energy is 50. At this level, people in Apathy are felt as burdens by others. This level is characterized by homelessness, poverty and despair. It is a feeling of helplessness, need and lack.

GRIEF: It's energy is 75. "Grief is the cemetery of life". Sadness, loss and dependency are found at the level of Grief. It is the level of mourning, regrets and also remorse.

FEAR: It's energy is 100. Much more energy is available at this level, however, "Fear runs much of the world." "Fear is also the official tool of control." Fear leads to inhibition by limiting growth of our individual personality.

DESIRE: It's energy is 125. "Desire becomes a craving more important than life itself." It is the level of addiction although it does motivate us to complete goals and obtain recognition. A much higher energy than it's lower energy companions, Desire moves us to first want, "for you have to want before you can get".

ANGER: It's energy is 150. Anger is fueled by a frusterated want. This being the case, it is predicated by the energy below it, Desire. It expresses itself as resentment and revenge. Keep in mind that Anger can lead to Hatred, which erodes all areas of a person's life. Anger however, has also been known to lead the oppressed to freedom.

PRIDE: It's energy is 175. "This emotion has enough energy to run the U.S. Marine Corps." Positive feelings are felt at this level. Good looking is Pride and it knows it. Hence, "Pride goeth before the fall." "Man has habitually died for Pride." Pride is arrogance and denial and it's these very same personality traits that block growth and real power. It remains weak because it can be "knocked off its pedestal back down to Shame".


COURAGE: It's energy is 200. Courage encourages us to attempt new things and meet challenges. It allows us to grow. Those of us at this level do what we can to put back into the world what the lower energies have stolen.

Note: "The collective level of consciousness of mankind remained at 190 for many centuries and, curiously only jumped to its current level of 207 within the last decade".

NEUTRALITY: It's energy is 250. Inner confidence and coming into one's own power, begins at this level. Intimidation and the need to prove anything is diminishing. People at this level have a sense of well-being and confidence capability. "The Neutral condition allows for flexibility and non-judgemental, realistic, appraisal of problems." It is very easy to get along with people at this level as there is no interest in conflict.

WILLINGNESS: It's energy is 310. This level is considered the "gateway" to higher levels of energy. Growth here is attained quickly and success in all endeavors is found. Here at 310 one has "overcome" inner resistance to life and joins in participation. "People here are helpful to others and contribute to the good of society". Self esteem at this level is high.

ACCEPTANCE: It's energy is 350. "At this level of awareness a major transformation takes place, with the understanding that one is oneself the source and creator of the experience of one's life". One has the capacity to live and enjoy life in harmony with the forces of life itself. Completed at this level is the "taking back" of one's own life. We learn here that Love isn't given or taken away by another, but rather created from within. "Acceptance includes rather than rejects".

REASON: It's energy is 400. The attributes of Reason are the ability to handle large, complex, amounts of information and making clear, concise, correct decisions. Science and medicine are contributed too at this level. Nobel Prize winners, greart thinkers such as, Freud, Einstein and the like, were at this level of energy. On the downside, Reason can be a major block to reaching the higher levels, as people here find it hard to "see the forest for the trees".

LOVE: It's energy is 500! This is not the Love depicted to us by our everyday outside stimulus. This is the unconditional, unchanging, and permanent type of Love. No fluctuation is found here. "Loving is a state of being". Love does not stem from the mind but from the heart. "Love takes no position, and thus is global, rising above separation". True happiness is found at this energy level.

Note: "Only 0.4 percent of the world's population ever reaches this level of evolution of consciousness".

JOY: It's energy is 540. "Joy arises from within each moment of existence". This is the domain of "Saints" and advanced spiritual "masters". At this fantastic level of energy, everything happens effortlessly, easily and synchronistically. The miraculous happens at the level of true Joy. Here it is found that "the more one loves, the more one can love".

PEACE: It's energy is 600. This level is attained by only 1 in 10 million people. It is associated with the experience of self-realization and "God Consciousness". At this level some become spiritual teachers and work for the betterment of mankind.

ENLIGHTENMENT: It's energy is 700-1000. "This is the level of the Great One's." A level of powerful inspiration, "these beings put in place the attractor energy fields that influence all of mankind." In this level one experiences non-duality, a completeness, a "Oneness". Examples of those who have attained this level would be: Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha and The Lord Jesus Christ.

Interesting I would say, how our emotions truly dictate our world. We are all connected, equal yet different. We are a mass consciousness, one person's energy influencing the next and so on. Keeping in mind the question I asked at the very beginning; "What are you feeling?, ask yourself again and see where you fall in this mini chart. Please keep in mind that we as humans are multifaceted and can fall in different ranges within various parts of our lives. A good example would be; in relationships you may be at Fear, but in your career you may be at Love. So look within yourself and be as brutally honest as you can. No one else will know but you how you truly feel. Remember your thoughts control your emotions which bring about your reality, as well as influencing someone else's.

Look within first. There is no better place to start.

Energy, Peace, Light and Love to you always.
