Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Thoughts Become Our Reality

So what are you thinking?

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought". ~Buddha

Have you ever asked yourself the question "why"? I'm sure you have, we all have. Every minute of everyday millions of people all over the world are asking the question, "why". The reason for the question is irrevelant, we just ask it, all the time. Now take a minute and try to remember the last time you asked that question and what was happening at that time to make you ask it. What were you thinking at that moment? Or maybe it's the outcome you may have predicted or "thought" you knew, or believed would be. Those thoughts and beliefs are actually the roadmap for the outcome. They are the "ENERGY" that produces the reality that now leaves you asking the question, "why".

You see, everything we think and give our solid, focused, ENERGY to, becomes our reality; consciously or not. Some things, as we know, need effort applied, like finding the career of our dreams or purchasing the car we desire. Let's face it, that perfect employer isn't knocking on your door screaming, "please, please, come work for me", and the car dealer isn't personally hunting you down to give you the keys to the car of your dreams. We have to apply for that job and visit the dealership. But have you ever had a repeated thought about your life and without actually noticing it, it all seems to be unfolding just as you thought? Have you ever heard yourself saying, "I knew that was going to happen", or "I just know...", or "That's exactly what I thought", or maybe even, "I would like this/that...but I know what's going to happen...". All these statements come from thoughts that we predetermine in our minds for an outcome in the future, (which hasn't happened yet). The future isn't reality at all because it doesn't actually exist; not just yet. No one knows the future. No matter how obvious it may appear. All things are subject to change, and that change begins with a single thought. Our intention.

Did you know, that if you change your thoughts you can change your life? Think of your goals and your dreams, your heart's desires. Focus and concentrate on the positive outcomes. The positive lessons that are hidden in every hardship or "preceived" disappointment. The positives are all there, we just have to look for them and center our thoughts on them. When we do, we have the powerful ENERGY to turn our lives into the realities we long for. I call this "Setting The Intention." When we set the "intentions" of what we truly feel and believe we want, for and in our lives, then we have the power to manifest our dreams and have them come true. It all begins with believing in you. You are the co-creator of your life. The Ultimate Creative Source, I call Him God, has given us "free will". It is with this "free will" that we are able to make choices.

Let's talk briefly about choices. Choices are made from the thoughts that we generate from our beliefs. The ENERGY behind these beliefs will change the outcome whether positive or negative, consciously or not. So set the "intentions" of your heart's desires right here, right now, in the only real time we have, which is this present moment. The past is no longer a reality, nor is the future. Begin to live in the present, the NOW. To begin the transformation to the life you truly want, set your "intentions" (thoughts) and start creating the life you dream about. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step." Choose to take the first step, you can do it, believe in you...I DO!

"I AM NOW creating my heart's desires by being loving and joyful.
I BELIEVE in myself and in this process!"

Light and Love Always~Margarita


  1. wow!that was deep! Did you say this was your first blog? That was fabulous. I love this line "Did you know, that if you change your thoughts you can change your life?" You hit a grand slam with this one. Keep them coming.

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