Monday, June 22, 2009

The Mass Consciousness~Emotional Engery Part III

What is "Mass Consciousness"? In layman's terms, mass consciousness means the conscious thought energy of a large group of people. It could be a group of people in a room or on a broader scale, the conscious energy of the world.

In my previous two blogs I wrote about emotional energy on an individual level. In this post, I am going to go global. You see each of us is a part of a whole. We are all connected. Our personal energy effects not only ourselves but those around us, and those we come in contact with, even if only briefly.

Referring to the mini charts in my past two blog posts, 85% of the world's population ranges in the energy levels below the "critical" level of 200. These levels of energy are negative. They are Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger, Pride and Courage. I will note however, that the "overall average" human level today, is approximately 207. This is slightly above Courage, yet not as high as Neutrality which is equal to indifference. There is only 4% of the worlds popluation whose energy is 500 which is Love, and only 0.4% who reach 540, which is Joy. Only 1 in 10 million ever reach the energy levels of 600 and above, which is Peace and Enlightenment. When I sit back and think long and hard on the above information, I personally find that to be very sad.

If we examine the conditions of the world today, we can see that populations of whole subcontinents live a barely existing life. Sickness, hunger, "political oppression" and minimal if any social resources abound. Hopelessness, which is equal to Apathy is the energy state that most of these people live at. The remainder of the world, whether civilized or not lives mostly in Fear. "Any meaningful human satisfaction cannot even commence until the level of 250, where some degree of self-confidence begins to emerge as a basis for positive life experiences in the evolution of consciousness." David R. Hawkins, "Power vs. Force"

Let's look at this closer:

Energy levels "below 200" are more prominent in "extremely primitive conditions". Skills are used to gather food and fuel, (wood) and items used for shelter. Energy below 200 is depicted by unskilled labor and basic trade.

Semiskilled labor is seen in the energy levels at the mid-200s. Here we see people wearing basic, adequate clothing and elementary level education begins to take form.

In the high 200s we see skilled labor begin, "blue-collar workers, tradesmen, retail commerce and industries".

When we get to the 300 level, we see that people are starting to become more skilled and craftsmenship begins to take form. Secondary education is now common place. People begin to take on hobbies and interests such as, sports and fashion, "tv is the great pastime at this level".

Upper management, artists and teachers are found in the mid-300 field of energy. People here function as a "civilized society".

The "awakening of the intellect" is found in the 400 level of energy. This is the energy field of executives and scientists. The field of "true literacy". Education is now the "underpinning" of this level. People tend to gravitate to metropolitan areas to live, to have access to teachings and information necessary to produce at this level. Mans welfare is of concern here but not "the driving force" as of yet. Einstein, Freud, Newton and Descartes, calibrated at 499.

Love, it's energy is 500. Here is the point at which we see "awareness" take a "giant leap". "...the motivation of Love begins to color all activities, and creativity comes into full expression, accompanied by commitment, dedication, and expressions of charisma". Here people become dedicated to "principles". Art, "great music", architecture and the edification of others, comes forth at this level. With one's mere presence a person at this level can "uplift others".

In the mid-500s people at this level begin to have "spiritual experiences" which may be quite profound and even pursue spirituality. This consciousness level may be "described as vision and may focus on uplifting society as a whole".

600. This level is reached by a mere few. This individual's life can, at some point, "become legendary". Compassion is the imprint of a person who calibrates at this level.

What I have just shown you is how the mass consciousness, or people working as a whole, in each one of these levels of energy function. They have set beliefs, ways of living, and ways of speaking. They contribute to the description of each level by these thoughts, actions and words. It is very difficult for a group of people to jump from one level to the next unless all participate to bring the group up. Individuals, given free will, can make the move, but as a whole it is very difficult. You can see this in our society today. Take a look at your friends, your co-workers, may be even your family. People in general tend to "stick" with their own kind, all sharing the same beliefs and thoughts. "Birds of a feather flock together". When you change your energy, your surroundings tend to change all by themselves. This is because their is no vibrational match keeping the energies together.

If you have a desire to change who you are, then know that raising of your own energy doesn't only effect you. It helps to uplift and change the consciousness of those around you, thereby assisting to lift the consciousness of the world; even one person at a time.

For peace to occur in this beautiful world we have been given to live in, we must first change ourselves. Only then will others see the difference and the fear of changing will be diminshed. Others will change, and so on and so on. People copy what we do, not what we say.

May the peace, love and light of the world be with you always.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

How Do You See The World? Emotional Energy Part II

"No man can tell whether he is rich or poor by turning to his ledger. It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is; not according to what he has."

Henry Ward Beecher

In last week's blog post, I wrote about emotional energy and the levels of energy each emotion carries with it. This information was obtained from a must read book, entitled, "Power vs. Force", by David R. Hawkins. I have found this book most instrumental in opening not only my eyes, but the eyes of those I teach.

In this next blog, we will take a look at how individual people at the different levels of energy view the world. To begin, please look at the picture at the top of this blog and tell yourself what you see. Do not ask yourself, but rather TELL yourself. Be honest. It is very important for this particular lesson, that you are brutally honest with what you see in that picture. Be specific as well, and be cognizant, (aware), of the feelings you get when you look at the picture and TELL yourself what you see. Imagine you are viewing this scene in your present moment reality, (in real life). Please note that there is no right or wrong with what you see. Right and wrong are a matter of opinion based on our individual consciousness levels. Although we all know that stealing and killing are inappropriate behavior and are actions we may not partake in; there are those cultures around the world, where such behavior is common practice and a means of survival.

Now that you have viewed the above photograph and have become aware of your emotions, (feelings) towards what you saw, let's break down those thoughts as an attempt to better understand our own personal conscious levels.

In my previous blog I gave a mini chart of the numerical value placed on certain emotions. Shame was at the very bottom at an energy level of 20, so here is where we will begin.

At the level of Shame (20), the bum/homeless man, is seen as "dirty, disgraceful and disgusting".

At the level of Guilt (30), we place blame on him for his condition and assume that he is responsibile for his plight.

At the level of Hopelessness (50), he is preceived as "desperate", proof that "society can't do anything about homelessness".

At the level of Grief (75), the homeless man appears, "tragic, friendless, and forlorn".

Fear is an emotion that is generated from a lack of understanding. We fear what we do not know. At the level of Fear (100), this man is seen as "threatening", a menace to society and an assumption that he will probably commit a crime is often thought.

At the level of Desire (125), he poses as a representative of an ongoing problem, "why doesn't somebody do something".

At the level of Anger (150), this poor homeless man may appear "violent"; or from the opposite perspective, we may become outraged that a condition such as this is in existence in our society today.

At the level of Pride (175), one may determine that this poor soul has not enough "self-respect" or self esteem to change his own condition.

At the level of Courage (200), the individual viewing this homeless man may be wondering, "if there is a local homeless shelter-all he needs is a job and a place to live".

At the level of Neutrality (250), an individual's viewpoint at this level is of no concern for the plight of the homeless man. The emotional or rather non-emotional thought may be that the man looks fine and possibily "interesting". "Live and let live". We view him as a man doing as he so chooses to do.

At the level of Willingness (300), one may decide that there may be something they could do to help "cheer up" the man on the street, even possibly "volunteer" at a shelter.

At the level of Acceptane (350), a person may take on the opinion that all things happen for a reason. This homeless man probably has "an interesting story to tell"; he may even appear "intriguing".

It is true that you don't know a person's story by just looking at them. When I was a kid, growing up in a small town in NJ, there was this tiny, little, petite, woman who everyone called Ms. Kitty. Ms. Kitty would walk the streets of the town, (only in daylight), with her little handbag, huge beehive, golden blond hair, bright, bright, red lipstick, clown colored cheeks and light blue eyeshadow. She was said to be in her late 70's early 80's at the time. All Ms. Kitty would do is walk up and down the main avenue in the town, talking out loud to herself as if she was crazy, and constantly shaking her head from what we now know to be Parkinson's. Everyday, (except in rain), we would see Ms. Kitty walking. As kids in grammar school we saw Ms. Kitty and always laughed saying, "Look at her, there she is again". We always made sure to walk on the opposite side of the street from her, in "fear" of course. Hindsight being 20/20, we now know that we had nothing to fear from this totally harmless woman. In high school we later found out that Ms. Kitty's deceased husband was responsible for the invention of the "Fire Extinguisher", and that Ms. Kitty was actually a very wealthy woman. We also were informed that she lived in Overbrook Hospital, a state run facility for the elderly and mentally disabled, which is now closed.

You see, we didn't know Ms. Kitty's story, but judged her anyway. We saw Ms. Kitty with our eyes and from a point-of-view that was what we felt inside of us. She wasn't like us, we didn't do the things that she did. It was a non-understanding of her life and why she was behaving as she was. Keep in mind, that some of the emotions we feel are instilled in us by others, i.e. parents, peers, etc. and from outside daily stimulus. It is up to us to change our personal point-of-view. However, this can only be done when we change our beliefs and search our hearts.

Continuing is where we get to the higher realms of consciousness. Look at how the perception changes from these levels of emotions.

At the level of Reason (400), he would make a good test subject for a report or case study. He is seen as "a symptom of the current economic" and social disorder.

At the higher levels of consciousness, the homeless man would perhaps begin to look friendly as well as interesting. To some he may even appear lovable. We may even possibly view him as a free spirit, a person who has been set "free" of material confines.

At the level of Peace (600), "he is revealed as our own self in a temporary expression". For example when we feel lonely or seek solitude from the world at large.

Keep in mind that these emotions are also felt by the bum. When he views us, his energy is interacting with ours. With some people he may feel "secure", yet with others he may feel rejected and/or even scared. Some people may anger him, some make him smile, some he would ignore and still others he would greet with happiness. "So it is said, that we meet what we mirror".

According to David R. Hawkins, "It is true that we'll react to things in a fashion predicated by the level that we perceive them from...external events may define conditions but they don't determine the consciousness level of human response".

What and how we react to things is prevalent on the world we are re-acting to. I say re-acting, because that is exactly what we are doing. When we judge others by what we SEE we are not coming from heart, but from pure human vision only, ego, "EDGING GOD OUT", "Inspiration", by Dr. Wayne Dyer. We are making our ASS-UMP-TIONS according to outside stimulus, as opposed to how we truly feel deep inside our hearts. We are all created by love, in love and love is an energy level of 500. To view the world from any other emotional level, say below 200, is to blame the world so to speak, for the conditions that we find ourselves in, instead of taking personal responsibility for our part. For we all contribute, whether we realize it or not in some small or large way to the mass consciousness.

Who we are and "what we see, is determined by perception-which can be said, simply, to create the world".

Here is a side note written by David R. Hawkins: "It's interesting to note that the further down the scale of consciousness a person is, the harder it is for him to maintain eye contact; at the low end, visual contact is avoided altogether. In contrast, as we go up the scale, the ability to hold prolonged, and finally almost endless, gazes at great depth becomes characteristic".

How long do you hold your gaze for? How do you view the world? Remember, we are ALL co-creators and a part of the mass consciousness that manifests our present day reality.

Energy, Peace, Light and Love to you always,


P.S. Next week's blog post: Part III of Emotional Energy; The Mass Consciousness of Energy~Stay tuned.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Emotional Energy and You! Part I What Are You Feeling?

"When awareness is brought to an emotion, power is brought to your life."
The Flow: 40 Days To Totoal Life Transformation

All emotions have a measurable, unique, frequency of energy. The only difference between grief, anger and love are the emotions vibrational tone.
In 12 step programs they teach about being aware of "people, places and things". You see we all have a physical body and an energy body as well. The shifts in our energy occur from outside stimulus. Because our energy body shifts and changes much more quickly than our physical body, we absorb the energy of others; so we must be cognizant of the people we surround ourselves with, the places we visit and the things we do.

Our physical body is a manifestation/mirror, if you will, of our energy body. Most people do not yet understand how our thoughts and beliefs, the food we ingest, the chemicals we use on our skin, (soaps, lotions, etc.), the people we surround ourselves with, even the music we listen to, affect our energy body and contribute to our overall vibrational tone or state of being. These outside stimuli will ultimately affect our physical health as well. We become that which we expose ourselves to. Like attracts like.

Let's take a look at the vibrational frequencies of emotions. These frequencies range from 20 to 1000. A thousand is the highest level of attainment. This information I've compiled from a must read book entitled, "Power vs. Force" written by David Hawkins. The energy level of 20 equates to the energy of SHAME. Since this is the lowest of the frequencies, this is where I shall begin. Please note that this is just a brief explanation of the energy frequencies of these emotions. The detailed explanations are found in David Hawkins book.

SHAME: It's energy is 20. "The Shame based personality is shy, withdrawn and introverted". Freud has concluded that Shame produces neurosis. We all can relate to the pain of "losing face" and discreditation at some time in our lives. You know, the feeling of wanting to be invisible. "Hide under a table" is one phrase I've heard many times over. Shame is destructive to our emotional and psychological health and well being. Shame has been known to "pull down the entire level of personality", thereby resulting in the vulnerability to other negative emotions.

GUILT: It's energy is 30. Guilt almost always results in a "preoccupation" with "sin". Guilt promotes rage, and in our society is commonly used to "manipulate" and "punish". It manifests itself in many different ways, such as remorse, masochism and self recrimination.

APATHY: It's energy is 50. At this level, people in Apathy are felt as burdens by others. This level is characterized by homelessness, poverty and despair. It is a feeling of helplessness, need and lack.

GRIEF: It's energy is 75. "Grief is the cemetery of life". Sadness, loss and dependency are found at the level of Grief. It is the level of mourning, regrets and also remorse.

FEAR: It's energy is 100. Much more energy is available at this level, however, "Fear runs much of the world." "Fear is also the official tool of control." Fear leads to inhibition by limiting growth of our individual personality.

DESIRE: It's energy is 125. "Desire becomes a craving more important than life itself." It is the level of addiction although it does motivate us to complete goals and obtain recognition. A much higher energy than it's lower energy companions, Desire moves us to first want, "for you have to want before you can get".

ANGER: It's energy is 150. Anger is fueled by a frusterated want. This being the case, it is predicated by the energy below it, Desire. It expresses itself as resentment and revenge. Keep in mind that Anger can lead to Hatred, which erodes all areas of a person's life. Anger however, has also been known to lead the oppressed to freedom.

PRIDE: It's energy is 175. "This emotion has enough energy to run the U.S. Marine Corps." Positive feelings are felt at this level. Good looking is Pride and it knows it. Hence, "Pride goeth before the fall." "Man has habitually died for Pride." Pride is arrogance and denial and it's these very same personality traits that block growth and real power. It remains weak because it can be "knocked off its pedestal back down to Shame".


COURAGE: It's energy is 200. Courage encourages us to attempt new things and meet challenges. It allows us to grow. Those of us at this level do what we can to put back into the world what the lower energies have stolen.

Note: "The collective level of consciousness of mankind remained at 190 for many centuries and, curiously only jumped to its current level of 207 within the last decade".

NEUTRALITY: It's energy is 250. Inner confidence and coming into one's own power, begins at this level. Intimidation and the need to prove anything is diminishing. People at this level have a sense of well-being and confidence capability. "The Neutral condition allows for flexibility and non-judgemental, realistic, appraisal of problems." It is very easy to get along with people at this level as there is no interest in conflict.

WILLINGNESS: It's energy is 310. This level is considered the "gateway" to higher levels of energy. Growth here is attained quickly and success in all endeavors is found. Here at 310 one has "overcome" inner resistance to life and joins in participation. "People here are helpful to others and contribute to the good of society". Self esteem at this level is high.

ACCEPTANCE: It's energy is 350. "At this level of awareness a major transformation takes place, with the understanding that one is oneself the source and creator of the experience of one's life". One has the capacity to live and enjoy life in harmony with the forces of life itself. Completed at this level is the "taking back" of one's own life. We learn here that Love isn't given or taken away by another, but rather created from within. "Acceptance includes rather than rejects".

REASON: It's energy is 400. The attributes of Reason are the ability to handle large, complex, amounts of information and making clear, concise, correct decisions. Science and medicine are contributed too at this level. Nobel Prize winners, greart thinkers such as, Freud, Einstein and the like, were at this level of energy. On the downside, Reason can be a major block to reaching the higher levels, as people here find it hard to "see the forest for the trees".

LOVE: It's energy is 500! This is not the Love depicted to us by our everyday outside stimulus. This is the unconditional, unchanging, and permanent type of Love. No fluctuation is found here. "Loving is a state of being". Love does not stem from the mind but from the heart. "Love takes no position, and thus is global, rising above separation". True happiness is found at this energy level.

Note: "Only 0.4 percent of the world's population ever reaches this level of evolution of consciousness".

JOY: It's energy is 540. "Joy arises from within each moment of existence". This is the domain of "Saints" and advanced spiritual "masters". At this fantastic level of energy, everything happens effortlessly, easily and synchronistically. The miraculous happens at the level of true Joy. Here it is found that "the more one loves, the more one can love".

PEACE: It's energy is 600. This level is attained by only 1 in 10 million people. It is associated with the experience of self-realization and "God Consciousness". At this level some become spiritual teachers and work for the betterment of mankind.

ENLIGHTENMENT: It's energy is 700-1000. "This is the level of the Great One's." A level of powerful inspiration, "these beings put in place the attractor energy fields that influence all of mankind." In this level one experiences non-duality, a completeness, a "Oneness". Examples of those who have attained this level would be: Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha and The Lord Jesus Christ.

Interesting I would say, how our emotions truly dictate our world. We are all connected, equal yet different. We are a mass consciousness, one person's energy influencing the next and so on. Keeping in mind the question I asked at the very beginning; "What are you feeling?, ask yourself again and see where you fall in this mini chart. Please keep in mind that we as humans are multifaceted and can fall in different ranges within various parts of our lives. A good example would be; in relationships you may be at Fear, but in your career you may be at Love. So look within yourself and be as brutally honest as you can. No one else will know but you how you truly feel. Remember your thoughts control your emotions which bring about your reality, as well as influencing someone else's.

Look within first. There is no better place to start.

Energy, Peace, Light and Love to you always.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Man In The Mirror

"Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you."~

Wally "Famous" Amos.

When you look at yourself in the mirror who do you see? Honestly ask yourself this question. We are directed by our emotions, which are generated by our thoughts. When you look at yourself, what are your thoughts saying to you? Do you build yourself up or tear yourself down? Let me give you an example. There is this woman I know, who is a very beautiful woman, smart, stylish, generous, a good mother, as well as many other qualities. People are constantly telling her how spectactular she is. But when we speak, she describes herself as anything but what others say about her. The way she speaks about herself is the image she sees in the mirror. These emotional images that she has of herself, stem from thoughts and beliefs that she has carried with her for quite sometime. Possibly since childhood.

I am certain that most, if not all of us can relate to someone we know, maybe even our own selves, that is much like this woman. It doesn't take much for a person to form a low self image. Maybe someone we loved didn't love us back, or a loved one spoke harsh ridicules to us. Society doesn't help with their theory of what the "beautiful" people should look and be like. People everywhere attempt to match themselves up to these "beautiful" people, instead of seeing themselves as the brillant, gorgeous people they were created to be. They view themselves as less, when in fact all are equal. Just different.

Now make no mistake, this goes much deeper than looks. There are all types of negative emotional outlooks and as the quote above suggests, "...what we see out there, we first see inside..." of our own selves. If our view of the world is dark, dim, and negative, (I'm sure we know people like this), that would be because we mirror what we think and feel. So if inside of us are, strong, harsh, negative thoughts then that in essence, will form how we look at the world. A change in view comes about when we examine the root cause of the thought and realize the emotion that follows. Remember, like energy attracts like energy. Changing our thoughts, changes our attitudes, which changes our emotions, which brings about the overall change that opens the door to inspiration, motivation and manifestation. However, you can't cover it with a bandaid. To make a real change, and possess inner joy, we have to address the cause of the thought, recognize it and most of all, "LET IT GO".

The good news is there is a way to begin the change of the view in the mirror. It's not hard, rather simple actually, but it will take some awareness. Awareness of how we think and speak and feel. Here is the "nuts and bolts", CATCH yourself in your negative, feeling, verbal and/or self-talk and actions. In that instant, address why you are feeling and thinking that way, then, do something that makes you feel good, energized, happy. The less you focus on the negative issue or situation, and put your energy into the positive, you then change your emotions. Back those new happy emotions with some REAL EXCITEMENT and you will soon see a difference in the view in the mirror.

"Courage is very important. Like a muscle it is strengthened by use."~Unknown
Light and Love Always~Margarita

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Thoughts Become Our Reality

So what are you thinking?

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought". ~Buddha

Have you ever asked yourself the question "why"? I'm sure you have, we all have. Every minute of everyday millions of people all over the world are asking the question, "why". The reason for the question is irrevelant, we just ask it, all the time. Now take a minute and try to remember the last time you asked that question and what was happening at that time to make you ask it. What were you thinking at that moment? Or maybe it's the outcome you may have predicted or "thought" you knew, or believed would be. Those thoughts and beliefs are actually the roadmap for the outcome. They are the "ENERGY" that produces the reality that now leaves you asking the question, "why".

You see, everything we think and give our solid, focused, ENERGY to, becomes our reality; consciously or not. Some things, as we know, need effort applied, like finding the career of our dreams or purchasing the car we desire. Let's face it, that perfect employer isn't knocking on your door screaming, "please, please, come work for me", and the car dealer isn't personally hunting you down to give you the keys to the car of your dreams. We have to apply for that job and visit the dealership. But have you ever had a repeated thought about your life and without actually noticing it, it all seems to be unfolding just as you thought? Have you ever heard yourself saying, "I knew that was going to happen", or "I just know...", or "That's exactly what I thought", or maybe even, "I would like this/that...but I know what's going to happen...". All these statements come from thoughts that we predetermine in our minds for an outcome in the future, (which hasn't happened yet). The future isn't reality at all because it doesn't actually exist; not just yet. No one knows the future. No matter how obvious it may appear. All things are subject to change, and that change begins with a single thought. Our intention.

Did you know, that if you change your thoughts you can change your life? Think of your goals and your dreams, your heart's desires. Focus and concentrate on the positive outcomes. The positive lessons that are hidden in every hardship or "preceived" disappointment. The positives are all there, we just have to look for them and center our thoughts on them. When we do, we have the powerful ENERGY to turn our lives into the realities we long for. I call this "Setting The Intention." When we set the "intentions" of what we truly feel and believe we want, for and in our lives, then we have the power to manifest our dreams and have them come true. It all begins with believing in you. You are the co-creator of your life. The Ultimate Creative Source, I call Him God, has given us "free will". It is with this "free will" that we are able to make choices.

Let's talk briefly about choices. Choices are made from the thoughts that we generate from our beliefs. The ENERGY behind these beliefs will change the outcome whether positive or negative, consciously or not. So set the "intentions" of your heart's desires right here, right now, in the only real time we have, which is this present moment. The past is no longer a reality, nor is the future. Begin to live in the present, the NOW. To begin the transformation to the life you truly want, set your "intentions" (thoughts) and start creating the life you dream about. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step." Choose to take the first step, you can do it, believe in you...I DO!

"I AM NOW creating my heart's desires by being loving and joyful.
I BELIEVE in myself and in this process!"

Light and Love Always~Margarita